Amplifying Art on the hill of Montmartre and internationally
The Mouvement Montmartre is a local artistic ecosystem located in the Montmartre district of Paris.
First of all it is formed of Artists of all disciplines that participate in local artistic life. It is also formed of Art Spaces such as workshops and artist residencies, of the galleries, of the concert halls, of the theaters, of the schools, of the record stores, of the artistic cafes and restaurants, and all other types of art places in Montmartre. Finally, others Organizations who also develop Art in the neighborhood are also part of this ecosystem.
The Mouvement Montmartre is non-profit organisation that aims to be avant-garde in its horizontal operation and its use of new communication technologies. Members who wish can participate in the decision-making process and put forward their projects and visions through the structure of the non-profit.
In order to amplify Art on the hill of Montmartre and internationally, the Mouvement Montmartre (or MM) organizes cultural events in the neighborhood and amplify those that already exist by communicating about them thanks to its Artistic Agenda and on its social networks.
The Mouvement Montmartre offers a complete artistic experience by combining visual arts, literature, music, theater, dance, and music. It creates a laboratory of contemporary modernity by highlighting the artistic heritage of the Montmartre hill. Artistic guided tours will soon be created in order to highlight the local artistic wealth of yesterday and today. The actions implemented by the Mouvement Montmartre aim to create hybrid moments that mix creative expressiveness, popular education and multimedia and pan-artistic interaction.
The Mouvement Montmartre also uses Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies in collaboration with Montmartre TV Studios in order to make Art accessible to a wider and international audience. The aim is to encourage encounters by stimulating spaces for solidarity, sharing and exchange, and to strengthen the sense of community by highlighting pre-existing links.
The Mouvement Montmartre works towards the accessibility of Art for all and the awakening of creativity in everyone.

Who we are
We take the form of an association under the 1901 law led by a Board of Directors composed of
Lucie Baudin (President), Nicolino Manca (General Secretary), Eva Serrano (Treasurer).
Cornerstone Members
The cornerstone members volunteer their time and energy in order to build the movement, fuel it and give it more visibility.
Member Organizations
These organisations are actors in Montmartre artistic life and are supported by the Mouvement Montmartre. We work together to continue to elevate art on the Montmartre hill.
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Member Venues
These art places in the hill of Montmartre and its surroundings are supported by the Mouvement Montmartre. Discover them online, and come meet them in the neighbourhood!
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Member Artists
These artists from the hill make it come alive and vibrate to the rhythm of creation. We support them by publicizing their works and creating new spaces for expression.
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